1. The League shall be called ‘The Epsom & District Billiards and Snooker League’.
2. The affairs of the League shall be conducted by a Management Committee consisting of the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and no more than eight representatives of teams within the League. The Committee shall retire annually but shall be eligible for re-election. Such election shall take place at the Annual General Meeting.
3. The Management Committee may fill any vacancies that occur during their term and may deal with any matter not provided for in, or delegated to them, by the Constitution or the General Rules.
4. The Management Committee shall meet when and as often as is considered necessary by the Secretary, Chairman or a majority of the Management Committee, due notice having been given to each member and any others entitled to attend. All matters shall be decided by a majority vote with the Chairman to have the casting vote. Five members shall form a quorum.
5. As a mark of esteem, there may be elected at an Annual General Meeting, a President and up to three Vice Presidents. These appointments shall not be subject to an annual re-election. They shall be entitled to attend and take part in meetings of the Management Committee but, unless also duly elected members of the Committee, not to vote.
6. The Treasurer shall keep an account of all monies received and spent, and present a balance sheet at the AGM. Cheques shall be signed by the Secretary and Treasurer.
7. The Annual General Meeting, to which one representative from each club shall be invited, shall be held on such a date as decided by the Management Committee.
8. An annual subscription, the amount of which shall be decided by the Management Committee, shall be notified to clubs at, or as soon as possible, after the Annual General Meeting and shall be payable by each club, to the treasurer, immediately thereafter. (NOTE: – Any club whose current annual subscription has not been paid by 30th September may be excluded from forthcoming League competitions at the discretion of the Management Committee until the due amount has been paid in full)
9. Alterations to the Constitution or General Rules may only be made at an Annual/Special General Meeting.
10. Annual and Special General Meetings require a minimum of fourteen and seven days notice respectively. Details of proposed alterations to the Constitution or the General Rules and an agenda for the meeting shall be forwarded with the notice. For these meetings, five members shall form a quorum.
11. A record of the decisions taken at all meetings shall be made and kept by the Secretary.